“Plants are shaped by cultivation and humankind by Education”
The valuable resources are hidden in each and every child. Education serves the purpose of bringing out these resources and channelizing them for the development of the nation and the society. As the education so the citizens , as the citizens so the nation and as the nation so the world. Therefore education plays a noble , a sacred role in establishing the society. Education is not a job or profession but a mission with a vision. Children are with the innate talents, abilities and capacities like a seed which has potentiality within. As the seed is sown in a fertile land , mannured, watered in a conducive atmosphere to grow , likewise education creates the glorious future of the world. In this process the teachers plays a great and significant role.
We impart value based education in our school. Our education is a good blend of text , experiments, activity and skill based knowledge and thus our students not only know how to stand but really stand. Our students are capable of facing the challenges in an effective manner and to achieve our mission. We have a team of committed teachers who render their selfless services for this noble cause.
Dear teachers and students let us stand together and dare to be different in acquiring , storing and retrieving the knowledge for the growth of ourselves, our society , our nation and our world. I wish that the teachers and students put their heart and soul in this noble cause.
“We are born weak, we need strength; helpless, we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man’s estate , is the gift of eduction. ” ( Jean Jacques Rousseau)
Jessy Augustine
( Vice Principal )