Rules of Conduct
  1. Every student should bring with him/her daily the school diary. If a pupil loses the diary, a fl ne will be levied and a new diary will have to be purchased.
  2. Care must be taken for all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desk or chairs or damage any school furniture. Do not write or draw anything on the wall or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident, should be reported at once to the appropriate authority. Any damage done will be made good by the one who does it. Any one who sees something damaged should report the matter even if he/she does not know who has done it. Each class will be responsible for looking after all property.
  3. a) No Book (other than text books or library books) may be brought to the school.
    b) Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives and other dangerous material to school. Disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders.
    c) Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. Students are not allowed to make any collection of money for any purpose without the specifl c permission of the Principal.
  4. All should be careful not to litter paper or rubbish any where in the school premises. They should use the bins provided for the purpose.
  5. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building and on the verandah is never allowed.
  6. Students are expected to speak English in the school premises.
  7. Students are to be in the school by 7.30 a.m. during the summer and 8.30 a.m. in winter. Those who reach before the bell should remain in the class- room and study silently. Late-comers will not be permitted to attend the school.
  8. No student can leave the school premises during school hours except with the permission of the Principal or vice Principal.
  9. The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student's loss of money, book, cloth etc. Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the school offl ce.
  10. Students should behave in a courteous manner wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet teachers when they meet them.
  11. The school reserves the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards Immorality, grave in subordination, contempt of authority or wilful damage to property is always a suffl cient reason for immediate dismissal.
  12. A Student who uses unfair means, and receives or gives assistance in any form during tests will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
  13. Sportsman spirit means right behavior on and off the fl eld, ability to take the defeat without complaint or victory without gloating and readiness to treat one's opponent with fairness, generosity and courtesy. Also team spirit and leadership consists of readiness to help the team, plan well and to sacrifl ce ones own interest for the sake of the team. Team spirit should help the person to be tough and steady. This implies regularity in conning for practice and regular participation in school matches.
  14. Use of Jewellery, make-up, nail polish, mehandi and keeping long nails is strictly prohibited.
  15. Students should not bring personal photographs and magazine and expensive articles like audio video cassettes, mobile phone or any electronic gadget to school.
  16. Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence may be granted for suffi cient cause but on an application from the parent or guardian which must be made in advance whenever possible. When sending an application for leave NAME, CLASS and SECTION must be clearly mentioned.
  17. Verbal request through servants to allow students to go home before the school gets over will not be complied with.
  18. Buying of sweets, ice cream etc, from hawkers on the street outside the school premises is strictly forbidden.
  19. Students are not allowed to leave their class room without the permission of the teacher concerned.
  20. If the students are not able to come in school uniform an application from the parent/Guardian is to be submitted to the Principal.